Hello World !

Anjana J
2 min readFeb 3, 2021


“I see something in you !”
“I see something in you !”

When I created this profile, I thought I will share the best practices of some of the coding challenges I’m facing in my day today work as well as in the pet projects I have involved in. That’s how this handle @brogramm_r born into the world. For a whole month, I came up with different contents, to post every other day. But when I stared to do my 10K steps per day to increase my NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), I started to have a deep analysis about my true self.

There are brilliant minds out there, who know programming million times better than I do. Hundreds and thousands of courses, YouTube videos and MOOCs are available for you to learn bits and pieces of every algorithm and programming concepts within a matter of minutes. So I asked myself the most important questions, “What”, “How” and “Why” !

Most of us love to see things in binary. We are in-directly expecting that there should be a logic behind everything we do, we hear and we experiencing. I asked from myself, what am I good at ?

Then I have realized that I’m good at speaking this “programmer’s language”. I can speak to them in a way that they can understand using the terms only programmers would understand. And I believe that could be one of the reasons that I have come this far at such a younger age.

I hope to share a spectrum of topics related to programming, technology and specially the leadership traits I have continuously learning in my career. I believe they may help you directly or indirectly to find your true self as well.

“I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is”. The famous speech delivered by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi @dananjaya_h, the World Champion of Public Speaking 2014, is one of the speeches which changed my life as a leader in many aspects. Here’s the link for his video and I would like you to invite to start this journey with me, by watching it first.


Hello World !
Welcome, to my content space.

#brogrammer #programmer #developer #softwaredeveloper #programmerlife #developerlife #codinglife #peoplewhocode #leadership #techleaders #Inspiration #dev #tech #code #coding #programming

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